Theoretical and scientific-technical collection
ISSN 2707-5796 (Online), ISSN 2412-4176 (Print)
Ukrainian |  English

Kataliz ta naftohimia: 2020, Vol.29, 24-31.

Physical-chemical properties of biodiesel fuels based on camelina oil ethyl esters


A.V. Yakovlieva1, S.V. Boichenko1, A.V. Hudz1, S.O. Zubenko2

1National Aviation University Kosmonavt Komarov Ave. (Lyubomir Husar),
1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03058;
tel.: +38(063)-630-89-59; e-mail:
2V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, 1, Murmanska Str., 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine


This paper is devoted to the analysis of physical-chemical and exploitation properties of biodiesel fuels based on fatty acids ethyl esters of camelina oil and blended biodiesel fuels with different content of ethyl esters. The comparative analysis of samples of biodiesel fuels based on fatty acids methyl and ethyl esters of rapeseed and camelina oil was performed. It is shown that the fatty acids methyl and ethyl esters of rapeseed and camelina oils have physical-chemical properties, which significantly differ from those of traditional diesel fuels of petroleum origin. This is explained by the different chemical structure of ester molecules and molecules of fuel’s hydrocarbons. In this case, the fatty acids ethyl esters of camelina oil have properties, which are the most similar to the properties of conventional diesel fuel among studied esters. It is noted that fatty acids ethyl esters of camelina oil have high performance properties, in particular, lubricating ability, which will have positive effect on exploitation of diesel engines. The advantages and benefits of using camelina oil over rapeseed as an alternative feedstock for biodiesel production are formulated and outlined. The basic physical-chemical and ex-ploitation properties of mixed biodiesel fuels samples containing fatty acids ethyl esters of camelina oil in a quantity of 10%, 30% and 50% were fulfilled and comparative analysis with traditional diesel fuel of petroleum origin was carried out. It is shown that the properties of the studied samples of biodiesel fuel blends fully meet the requirements of the standards for both biodiesel fuel and traditional petroleum-based diesel fuel. This study substantiates the use of camelina oil for production of biodiesel, namely for the complete or partial replacement of traditional petroleum-based diesel fuel.


biodiesel fuel, fatty acids ethyl esters, camelina oil, rapeseed oil, physical-chemical properties, exploitation properties


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