Improvement of chemmotological properties of diesel fuel by micro-addition of carbon spheroidal nanoparticles
Ie.V. Polunkin1, V.S. Pilyavsky1, Ya.O. Bereznitsky1, T.M. Kamenieva1, А.М. Levterov2, A.M. Avramenko2
1V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry NAS of Ukraine,
Ukraine, 02160, Kyiv, Kharkivske shausse, 50, tel./fax: 044 292-30-88,
2A.M. Pidgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering NAS of Ukraine,
Ukraine, 610000, Kharkiv, Pozharsky, 2/10, tel.: (057) 349-47-02,
The work is devoted to the detection of the influence of micro-quantitative additives of carbon nanosized particles of a spheroidal structure – fulleroids on the performance properties of diesel fuel during combustion in engines. The fulleroids were obtained by the high-frequency discharge-pulse synthesis method on tungsten electrodes using hydrocarbon gases as feedstock. The synthesis product was modified with bromine, then extracted in different solvents and filtered. The average size of brominated spheroidal nanomaterials after extraction in ethanol was 5–10 nm. The study of the effect of the addition of synthesized nanoclusters on the fuel on the performance of engines was carried out on a motor stand with a diesel engine 1H 8.5/11 when working on standard diesel fuel and fuel with the addition of additives of different concentrations under the following modes: load Ne = 3 kW, rotational speed engine n = 1300 min-1. The main experimental characteristics of the evaluation of the impact of additives on fuel on the perfection of the workflow in the diesel engine cylinders were selected fuel consumption (specific and hourly) and effective efficiency (efficiency). According to the results, when adding microfuel doses of synthesized fulleroids (approximately 3 ppm by weight of fuel), the fuel consumption decreased by 6–10 % and, accordingly, the effective efficiency increased compared to the same performance when operating the engine in the same mode without additive fuel. An analysis of the process of combustion of fuel in the engine by the method of detailed indicator diagrams is shown and it is shown that the effect of the addition of synthesized nanoclusters on the fuel efficiency in the engine is caused by a change in the degree of chemical energy conversion of fuel components into thermal energy.
internal combustion engines, diesel, fuel additives, carbon nanoclusters, fulleroids
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