Theoretical and scientific-technical collection
ISSN 2707-5796 (Online), ISSN 2412-4176 (Print)
Ukrainian|  English

Kataliz ta naftohimia: 2020, Vol.29, 84-91.

Obtaining of urea greases based on transformation products of vegetable oils


O.O. Papeikin, L.Yu. Bodachivska, O.I. Safronov, I.O. Venger

V.P. Kukhar Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine, 1, Murmanska Str., 02094 Kyiv, Ukraine, Tel.: + 38- (044) -292-73-37, е-mail:


The possibility of using surfactants of vegetable origin as components of a thickener of urea greases has been demonstrated. The transamidation of rapeseed oil with ethylenediamine in the presence of a potassium tert-butylate catalyst synthesized the linear fatty acid monoaminoamides. The interaction of polyisocyanate with fatty acid monoaminoamides in a 1:2,5 molar ratio in a petroleum medium has synthesized urea thixotropic systems characterized of high levels of mechanical and colloidal stability. Their composition and chemical structure was set by spectrometric methods of analysis. Derivatographic analysis has established the upper temperature limit for the use of synthesized urea grease in the range of 150-200 °C. It is established that the combination of oleochemical products - polyurea dispersed phase with a package of tribologically effective Eterol-10S and polyfunctional additive Phospholidine - allows to obtain urea greases with high thermal stability, EP properties, improved protective and antioxidant properties. The use of environmentally friendly oleochemical products in the composition of the thickener and grease additives improves the biodegradability of the developed grease composition. All this allows to recommend the developed urea grease for use in conditions of high toxicological and ecological requirements, loads and temperatures.


ureа grease, fatty acid monoaminoamides, rapeseed oil, oleoadditive package, tribological characteristics, biodegradability.


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