It was first established the influence of mechanochemical activation of copper-zinc-alumina oxide catalyst on the structure and morphology of its surface, mechanism, and principles of carbon oxides hydrogenation reaction within a wide temperature range at atmospheric pressure. Catalytic investigations were carried out in the laboratory unit with a gradient-free catalytic vibroreactor. It was revealed that mechanochemical treatment of copper-zinc-aluminum oxide catalyst before catalysis can reduce reaction initiation temperature and optimum temperature synthesis by 20-30 °C. At the same time, pre-machining of the catalyst provides increase its productivity by 50 % in comparison with the granulated catalyst. It was established that only effective additive of the powdered catalyst can be subjected to in situ mechanochemical activated. Investigation of the in situ catalyst’s activity depending on the frequency of physical percussion showed that an optimal vibration of reactor corresponded to the frequency 5 Hz. At this frequency, the catalyst productivity per mass unit of the effective catalyst addition introduced into the reactor was 47 mmol СН3ОН/(gcat·h) at temperature 220 °C and under the pressure 0.1 MPa. This two and a half times more than the value obtained at the industrial conditions at 240 °C and 9.0 MPa (January – May 2001, “Alvigo” company, Severodonetsk city, Ukraine). Total catalyst’s productivity under the frequency of vibration reactor 5 Hz is 4.5 mg СН3ОН/(gcаt·h). This is 2-3 times greater than the corresponding data for the granulated catalyst in a static mode. The increase of the catalyst activity under mechanical stress is explored by the increase of concentration defects of a crystal lattice of the catalyst. A new effective method for synthesis gas conversion into the methanol under conditions of mechanochemical activation of the catalyst can be used in industry as an alternative to methanol production at high pressures.
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