Mixed fuel based on organic waste
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biofuels, mixed fuels, renewable raw materials, sediments, biomass wastes, calorific value, ash content

How to Cite

Matviychuk, D., Yevdokymenko, V., Kamensky, D., Tkachenko, T., Aksylenko, M., & Kashkovsky, V. (2018). Mixed fuel based on organic waste. Catalysis and Petrochemistry, (27), 47-53. Retrieved from http://kataliz.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/55


Production of energy and fuel from non-traditional renewable sources is a very critical issue. Biomass, as an alternative to fossil sources, is gaining increasing importance in the fuel sector. Utilization of agricultural waste, wastes of communal enterprises enables to expand market of the mixed fuel class. Taking into account the problem of utilization and processing of the organic part of industrial and domestic wastes, in particular sediments in communal sewage treatment plants, the use of these products as part of alternative solid biofuels is extremely expedient and relevant. Preparation of mixed fuels from a variety of organic-containing wastes, including sediments in municipal sewage treatment plants, as well as expansion of affordable renewable raw materials for solid biofuels production have been considered. The study used a method of thermogravimetric analysis, Xray fluorescence analysis and method of colorimetry for determining the calorific value. Possibility of obtaining ecologically, economically advantageous combined biofuels, which include both waste of agriculture and cellulose production, as well as an organic part of municipal solid waste (sediments of municipal sewage treatment plants) has been shown. Utilization of these components will reduce anthropogenic pressure on the environment by converting them from the waste category to the fuel category. In particular, sediments from sewage treatment plants become an energy source, and our technological solution allows using them as a component of mixed fuels. The use of lignin is important because it acts as a binder component, which is used for energy generation. Organic mass of reeds, sorrel, cornflakes is an additional source of energy; it acts as a sorbent of water from sediments and is a reinforcing material of granulated fuel. Addition of coal dust, which is accumulated in significant amounts at thermal power stations, or waste oil to such a combined biofuel has allowed to significantly increase the calorific value of the fuel produced. Thus, the mixed fuel is characterized by a calorific value of 1.5–2.2 mJ/kg, ash content of 2–10 %, moisture content of 10–15 % and bulk density of 1.1–1.12 g/cm3.

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