Though having significant advantages, use of ethanol as motor fuel for internal combustion engines entails a number of drawbacks. Substantial disadvantages of ethanol as such are its low anti-wear properties due to low load-carrying performance. Low load-carrying performance of ethanol does not allow for hydrodynamic friction mode in frictional nodal points of the fuel-delivery equipment and thereby shortens their operational life. The essence of concept of load-carrying performance has been analyzed. It has been shown that load-carrying performance for liquid media is similar to the characteristic of hardness for solid bodies. Both of these properties characterize suitability of materials for operation in certain conditions. At the same time, results of studies on changes that occur in these properties depending on variation of material composition, external conditions and influences enable to determine mechanisms and consistent patterns of transformations in volume or in surface layers of the studied materials under the influence of different factors. To increase loadcarrying performance, we proposed to use nano-sized carbonic clusters of spheroidal structure as additives to ethanol fuels. The nonmonotone monomodal nature of dependence of load-carrying performance of ethanol solutions from the content of nano-sized (5–40 nm) spheroidal carbonic clusters has been established. It has been demonstrated that with increase in solution concentration of nanoparticles the load-carrying performance escalates and reaches a maximum with their mass fraction of 0.01 %. When concentration of nanoparticles exceeds this threshold value, the loadcarrying performance of the solution starts to decline and approaches a value that is characteristic of additive-free ethanol. The established extreme nature of dependence has been accounted for reorganization of liquid supramolecular structure under the influence of carbonic nanoparticles.
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